
F4 Chapter 4 (SPM Questions)

SPM 2007 Paper 1

carbohydrates - carbon, hydrogen,oxygen (CHO)
proteins - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus (CHONSP)
lipids - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen (CHO)
nucleic acids - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen (CHONP)
water- hydrogen, oxygen (HO)

SPM 2007 Paper 1

Hydrolysis - chemical reaction that involves the breaking up of large molecules by adding water to them

SPM 2008 Paper 1

maltose + water --> glucose + glucose ( hydrolysis )
sucrose + water --> glucose + fructose ( hydrolysis )
lactose + water --> glucose + galactose ( hydrolysis )

SPM Clone 2006

Vitamin B functions as a coenzyme in cellular respiration

SPM 2005 Paper 2

The production of extracellular enzymes

-The nucleus contains DNA which carries the information for the synthesis of enzymes
- Proteins that are symthesised at the ribosomes are transported through the space within the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
- Proteins depart from the RER wrapped in vesicles that bud off from the membranes of the RER
- These transport vesicles then fuse with the membranes of the Golgi apparatus and empty their contents into the membranous space
- The proteins are further modified during their transport in the Golgi apparatus
- Secretory vesicles containing these modified proteins bud off from the Golgi apparatus and travel to the plasma membrane
- These vesicles will then fuse with the plasma membrane before releasing the proteins outside the cell as enzymes

SPM 2004 Paper 1 & Paper 2, SPM 2005 Paper 1 & Paper 2, SPM 2007 Paper 1, SPM 2008 Paper 1

"lock and key" hypothesis - substrate molecule -"key"
                                        - enzyme molecule - "lock"

substrate molecule binds to the active site - enzyme-substrate complex

- a specific substrate molecule arrives at the active site of the enzyme molecule
- the substrate molecule binds to the active site to form enzyme-substrate complex which is very unstable
- the enzyme is free to take another substrate molecule into its active site to catalyse another reaction
- product molecules leave the active site of the enzyme

SPM 2005 Paper 1 & SPM 2007 Paper 1 

SPM 2008 Paper 2 

- most enzyme do not function in a highly acidic environment.
- vinegar is an excellent preservative used to pickle many types of food such as cucumbers and onions
- the acetic acid in vinegar destroys enzymes and bacteria in food
- the bacteria are unable to break down nutrients in the food
- the pickled food will have a longer shelf life

SPM 2008 Paper 1 

The effects of substrate concentration on the activity of enzymes

- at low substrate concentrations, few substrate molecules are present.
- there are many active sites which are available
- the rate of reaction increases in direct proportion to the substrate concentration
- an increase in substrate concentration means more substrate molecules are available 
- this means there are more chances of collision between the substrate molecules and enzyme molecules for a catalytic reaction to take place. 
- as more substrate molecules fill the active sites, more products are formed per unit time
- at a certain substrate concentration, the rate of reaction will not increase further and become constant
- all active sites are filled and said to be saturated
- at high concentration, there are more substrate molecules than enzymes molecules
- the excess substrate molecules will have to compete with one another for the active sites 
- the rate of reaction becomes constant
- the enzyme concentration becomes a limiting factor

SPM 2004 Paper 2 & SPM 2005 Paper 2 

- enzymes used is protease for meat products to tenderise meat
- enzymes used is cellulase for seaweed products to extract agar from seaweed
- enzymes used is zymase for alcoholic drinks to convert sugar into ethanol


F4 Bab 2 Soalan SPM

Bab 2

SPM 2005 K2 Bahagian A

1 a) Cara yang memudahkan rakyat merujuk kepada undang-undang berikut
   i. Hukum Kanun 12 - ditulis dan diukur di atas papan
   ii. Undang2 Justinian - dibukukan oleh Maharaja Justinian

   b) Bahagian undang2 Rom - undang2 sivil, undang2 natural, undang2 rakyat
   c) 3 prinsip dalam undang2 Rom
   i. seseorang tidak bersalah sehingga dibuktikan bersalah
   ii. hukuman berdasarkan bukti yang kukuh
   iii. keadilan terhadap setiap individu

   d) kepentingan undang-undang kepada sesebuah negara
   - menjamin keamanan
   - menjamin kestabilan dan keselamatan negara
   - kehidupan rakyat harmoni
   - membangunkan negara dengan lebih pesat

SPM 2008 K2 Bahagian A

1 a) Maksud demokrasi - pemerintahan oleh rakyat melalui wakil yang dipilih melalui pilihan raya

   b) 3 ciri sistem pemerintahan demokrasi yang diamalkan di Athens
    i. Dewan Perhimpunan mengemukakan cadangan tentang dasar kerajaan
    ii. Warganegara lelaki sahaja dibenarkan mengundi
    iii. Warganegara lelaki berpeluang menjadi anggota Dewan Perhimpunan

   c) 2 buah negara yang mengamalkan sistem pemerintahan demokrasi pada hari ini
    i. Malaysia
    ii. Singapura

   d) Ciri2 kepimpinan yang akan anda amalkan sekiranya anda dilantik sebagai pemimpin di sebuah negara
    i. adil
   ii. tidak mengamalkan rasuah

   e) Kebaikan sistem pemerintahan demokrasi kepada sesebuah negara
   i. memajukan ekonomi negara
  ii. menjamin kestabilan politik

Bab 4 & Bab 5 Soalan SPM

Bab 4

SPM 2006 K2 Bahagian A

1a) Dua pihak yang menerima Islam secara rahsia :
  i. Ahli keluarga
  ii. Sahabat rapat

 b) Sebab Nabi Muhammad berdakwah secara rahsia :
  i. Strategi penyebaran Islam
 ii. Mengelakkan penentangan
 iii. Bilangan penganut Islam masih sedikit

 c) Penyebaran dakwah Islamiah secara terbuka dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad
  i. Mengadakan ceramah
  ii. Bermusyawarah dengan para sahabat

d) Sebab orang Arab Quraisy Makkah menentang dakwah Islamiah oleh Nabi Muhammad
  i. Konsep persaudaraan Islam
  ii. Larangan terhadap akhlak yang keji
  iii. perbezaan dari segi kepercayaan

SPM 2008 K2 Bahagian B

6 a) Sebab masyarakat Zaman Jahiliah dikenali sebagai masyarakat Arab Jahiliah
- tidak menyembah Allah
- mengamalkan kepercayaan animisme
- menyembah berhala 
- tidak menerima kebenaran

  b) Ciri2 kehidupan masyarakat Arab Jahiliah
- mengamalkan perbuatan yang tidak bermoral - berjudi, minum arak dan berzina
- kedudukan wanita dipandang rendah - menganggap menjatuhkan maruah keluarga
- menanam bayi perempuan hidup-hidup
- aktiviti perniagaan yang berasaskan riba dan penindasan - hanya mementingkan keuntungan 

  c) Pengamalan ciri2 kehidupan masyarakat Arab Jahiliah menghalang pembentukan masyarakat bermoral
- penindasan ekonomi
- perpaduan kaum terjejas
- institusi keluarga runtuh
- nilai kemanusiaan runtuh
- pegangan agama yang longgar
- perebutan kuasa

SPM 2010 K2 Bahagian B

5 a) Riwayat hidup Nabi Muhammad sebelum baginda dilantik menjadi rasul
- nama penuh - Muhammad bin Abdullah
- berketurunan bangsa Quraisy
- bapa - Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib
- ibu - Aminah binti Wahab
- dilahirkan pada 20 April 570M bersamaan 12 Rabiulawal Tahun Gajah
- dipelihara oleh Abdul Muttalib dan kemudiannya oleh Abu Talib
- pernah menggembara kambing kepunyaan bapa saudara
- berkahwin dengan Khadijah binti Khuwailid ketika berusia 25 tahun

  b) Keperibadian Nabi Muhammad sebagai seorang pemimpin yang wajar dicontohi oleh semua pihak
- memiliki sifat siddiq
- digelar al-Amin oleh orang Arab Quraisy
- fatanah
- kebijaksanaan baginda menyelesaikan masalah perletakan semula Hajar Aswad
- memiliki sifat tabligh
- menyampaikan ajaran Islam secara bersungguh-sungguh

  c) Pengamalan sifat keperibadian Nabi Muhammad boleh membantu pembentukan masyarakat Malaysia yang gemilang
- bersifat amanah dalam menjalankan tugas
- sentiasa sabar dalam menyelesaikan masalah
- bijaksana dalam membuat keputusan
- memupuk sifat penyayang
- mengamalkan semangat hormat-menghormati
- mengambil berat terhadap masalah yang dihadapi

Bab 5

SPM 2005 K2 Bahagian A

2 a) Dua konsep Hijrah
- Perpindahan orang Islam Makkah ke Madinah 
- Perpindahan secara sukarela 

   b) Sebab berlakunya peristiwa Hijrah
- Penentangan hebat orang Quraisy di Makkah
- Untuk menyebarkan agama Islam

   c) Dua kepentingan Hijrah kepada penduduk Madinah
- pembentukan kerajaan Islam Madinah
- menyelesaikan perbalahan antara suku Aus dan Khazraj

   d) Ringkas pembaharuan yang dilaksanakan oleh Nabi Muhammad setelah berhijrah ke Madinah
- Nabi Muhammad membina Masjid Nabawi
- menubuhkan kerajaan Islam
- Madinah sebagai pusat pemerintahan
- Piagam Madinah telah digubal

SPM 2008 K2 Bahagian A

2 a) Dua pihak yang menandatangani Perjanjian Hudaibiyah


Form 5 Locomotion and Support (SPM Question)

SPM 2005 P1

The human skeleton

SPM 2007 P2

Vertebral column

- 33 vertebrae - 7 cervical
                       - 12 thoracic
                       - 5 lumbar
                       - 5 sacral (sacrum)
                       - 4 caudal (coccyx)

Explain one feature of vertebra thoracic which is related to the mechanism of respiration

- Has two articulating surfaces on the transverse process, forming points of articulation for the rib
- It has a long neural spine for better muscle attachment

Explain the role of the vertebrae when movement of the body occurs

- The vertebral column consists of several vertebrae which are joined together by intervertebral discs
- It also provides surfaces for the attachment of the skeletal muscles

Osteoporosis - bones become thinner, more brittle and more porous / porous and has more spaces

An individual suffering from osteoporosis is advised to drink plenty of milk . Explain why.

- Milk contains calcium which is necessary for bone growth

SPM 2008 P1

SPM 2005 P2

Explain how the above movement takes place which involves muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints

- tendons join muscles to bones. tendons are inelastic
- force is transferred to the bones through the tendons
- ligaments join two bones at a joint. they give support to the joint during movement. they are strong and 
- as an example, a hinge joint allows the leg to bend
- the quadriceps / extensor muscle contracts whereas the biceps femoris muscle relaxes and the leg is 
- the biceps femoris muscle contracts whereas the quadriceps femoris muscle relaxes and the leg is bent
- the calf muscle contracts to pull the heel
- the heel is pushed downwards and backwards, the repeated action of contraction and relaxation produces
  the running action
- the long and thick bone at the centre gives strength to support the body weight

Explain how the skeletal system of earthworm and fish are adapted for its movement

- the earthworm has a hydrostatic skeleton. It moves by changing the hydrostatic pressure of its body fluid
- the circular muscles contract and the longitudinal muscles relax antagonistically. This causes the transfer of 
  hydrostatic pressure from the anterior to the posterior which causes the body to move to the front

- fish has an endoskeleton
- the endoskeleton is a place for muscle attachment. The left myotome muscles contract and the right 
  myotome muscles relax antagonistically and the tail moves to the left and right producing a forward force


Form 5 Reproduction and Growth

4.1 Gamete Formation

The male reproductive system

- Testes produce male gametes (sperms) and male sex hormones
- Scrotum holds the testes and is located outside the main body cavity
- Epididymis - seminiferous tubules join together to form a tightly coiled tube
- The epididymis is connected to the vas deferens (sperm duct) - stores the sperms
- The two sperm ducts are joined to the urethra - connects bladder to the penis
- The sperm pass from the seminiferous tubules through the epididymis and vas deferens into the urethra
- Seminal vesicles - secretes a thick, clear fluid containing nutrients for the sperm
- Prostate gland - secretes a milky white fluid that activates or increases the mobility of the sperm

Structure of the human sperm


- a mature sperm - head, midpiece, tail
- head - large nucleus
- acrosome (specialised lysosome) - contain hydrolytic enzymes - to digest the protective layers surrounding 
                                                                                                   an ovum, enabling the sperm to penetrate 
                                                                                                   and fertilise it
- midpiece - large number of mitochondria - provide the energy needed for the movement of the tail

Sperm formation in humans

Spermatogenesis takes place in densly coiled seminiferous tubules

1. Germinal epithelial cells of a seminiferous tubules divide by mitosis to produce diploid spermatogonia
2. The spermatogonia grow to become primary spermatocytes which are large diploid cells
3. Each primary spermatocyte undergoes meiosis I to form two haploid secondary spermatocytes
4. Each secondary spermatocyte divides again during meiosis II to produce two spermatids.
5. The spermatids obtain nourishment from nearby nutritive cells (Sertoli cells), develop tails and mature into 
    sperms through cell differentiation

The female reproductive system

- Ovaries produce the female gametes and secrete female sex hormones (oestrogen and progesterone)
- The Fallopian tubes extend from the ovaries to the uterus.
- The uterus holds the developing embryo and foetus

Ovum formation in humans

Oogenesis takes place in the ovaries

1. Oogenesis - formation of oocytes
2. The germinal epithelial cells near the surface of an ovary multiply by mitosis to form diploid oogonia
3. The oogonia grow to form an primary oocytes
4. Each primary oocyte is surrounded by a layer of follicle cells that nourish the developing oocyte and 
    secrete female sex hormones
    The primary  oocyte and these accessory cells make up a primary follicle
5. All primary oocytes undergo meiosis but stop at prophase I of meiosis I
6. Every month during the reproductive years, a few primary oocytes become active and meiosis resumes.
    Only one primary follicle mature completely
7. The diploid primary oocyte completes meiosis I to form haploid cells 
    - first polar body - degenerates and leaves the body (smaller cell)
    - secondary oocyte - contains most of the cytoplasm (larger cell)
8. The secondary oocyte starts meiosis II which progresses until metaphase II
    The first polar body may also complete meiosis II to form two polar bodies
9. The secondary oocyte with the layers of follicle cells around it - secondary follicle
10. The second follicle increases in size and mature to form Graafian follicle
11. Graafian follicle merges with the wall of the ovary in 28 days then rupture, releasing the secondary 
      oocyte (egg) into the Fallopian tube
12. Ovulation - the release of secondary oocyte from the ovary
13. If a sperm penetrates the secondary oocyte during fertilisation, meiosis II will be completed and two 
      haploid cells are formed.
14. Larger cell - ovum 
      Smaller cell - second polar body
15. The nuclei of the sperm cell and the ovum then fuse to form a diploid zygote
16. Once a Graafian follicle has released a secondary oocyte, it develops into a yellowish mass of cells - 
      corpus luteum
17 Corpus luteum - begins to degenerate (pregnancy does not take place)
                            - will not degenerate and continue to secrete oestrogen and progesterone (pregnancy 
                              takes place)

4.2 The Role of Hormones in the Menstrual Cycle

The hormones involved in the menstrual cycle


Bina Ayat

SET 1 
a) i) Kita bebas berbuat apa-apa sahaja asalkan tidak melanggar undang-undang.
    ii) Hisham bukan sahaja menghantar mangsa ragut itu ke hospital, bahkan dia mendermakan wang 
       kepada mangsa itu.
    iii) Biarpun pendapatannya sederhana, tetapi Encik Zambri mampu menyediakan segala keperluan 
    iv) Walaupun telah berkali-kali dinasihati oleh ibunya, namun Amri tidak pernah insaf.
    v) Encik Wong tidak mahu menolong pemuda yang malang itu walhal pemuda itu ialah anak jirannya.
    vi) Saya mengambil kesempatan melawat semua saudara di kampung sementelah saya bercuti panjang. 

Set 2 
a) i) Datuk berjalan menggunakan tongkat kerana dia sudah tua.
    ii) Nabil berlari dengan pantas untuk sampai ke garisan penamat.
    iii) Adik mula bertatih ketika usianya sembilan bulan.
    iv) Aiman bertinggung kerana lantai dewan itu basah.
    v) Ayah duduk bersila sambil mendengar ceramah di surau.
    vi) Gadis yang sedang duduk bertimpuh itu ialah kakak saya.

Set 3
a) i) Ibu merebus jagung untuk hidangan minum petang.
    ii) Kakak disuruh menjerang air manakala ibu memotong kek.
    iii) Puan Ng sedang mengukus seekor ikan siakap.
    iv) Walaupun mempunyai periuk elektrik, nenek lebih suka menanak nasi menggunakan dapur kayu.
    v) Kami memanggang ikan dan sotong semasa berkhemah.
    vi) Sempena hari raya, kami membakar lima belas batang lemang.